Saturday 10 October 2015

Vedic Era - Introduction

The Vedas are the oldest teachings of India. The ethics told in Vedas transmited one generation to generation orally until around the 5th century.

There are four Vedas, and the first one is the Rigveda. As per Rigved the whole regions in which the Aryans were first settled in India which was called as the Land of 7 Rivers or SaptaSindhawa.

The other three are Samveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda. The Vedas have verses in praise of gods and others. They also have other information. At that time, the society was pastoral. After the Rigveda, society became more agricultural. People became divided into four classes depending on the type of the work. Brahmins were priests and teachers. Kshatriyas were the warriors. Vaishyas did agriculture, trading and commerce. The shudras were the general working class. A common misconception is that the Vaishyas and Shudras were generally looked down upon, and treated badly by Brahmins and Kshatriyas, which was true for the later part of the Vedic age. But was untrue for the earlier part. This type of social division is called the Varna system in Hinduism.

During the period of the Vedic civilization, there were many Aryan clans and tribes. Some of them combined and became bigger like the kingdom of the Kurus.

To be Continued…

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